Potential Prompt actions

Email Address
Passes the specified email addresses to the next action.
Send Email
Presents an email composer. Pass text into the action to set the email body. Other types of input are added as attachments.
Get Maps URL
Creates a URL to search for the location, place, or text that was passed into the action in a separate maps app.
Open Directions
Open directions to the location passed into this action in your choice of Maps, Google Maps, Citymapper, Transit, or Waze. For example, you can use this action to get directions to an upcoming event on your calendar.
Open in Maps
Opens your choice of Maps, Google Maps, or Waze and searches for the location, place, or text that was passed into the action.
Calculate Statistics
Calculates statistics on the numbers that are provided as input.
Round Number
Rounds the number(s) passed into the action.
Performs a number operation on the input and returns the result.
Calculate Expression
Evaluates the mathematical expression in the given input string and outputs the result as a number.
Convert Measurement
Converts the measurements passed into the action to the specified unit.
Passes the specified measurement (including number and unit) to the next action.
Send Message
Sends an iMessage or SMS. Pass images, videos, or other files as input to include attachments.
Get Details of Music
Extracts information from the music item, including title, album, artist, album artist, genre, composer, date added, media kind, duration, play count, album track number, disc number, album artwork (as a photo), whether it’s explicit, the lyrics, release date, comments, whether it’s a cloud item, the skip count, last played date, the rating, and the name.
Play Music
Plays the currently playing item.
Find Music
Searches for the music in your library that match the given criteria. Allows for sorting, changing the order, and limiting the number passed as a result.